Assisted reproductive technology is not harmful to newborn health
We found that the risk of preterm birth in babies over 20 years is becoming lower and lower, and the proportion of stillbirths and premature births is decreasing at birth
We found that the risk of preterm birth in babies over 20 years is becoming lower and lower, and the proportion of stillbirths and premature births is decreasing at birth
Two pilots from the United States and Russia took helium balloons from Japan, which lasted nearly a week to fly over the Pacific and landed safely on the coast of Mexico on the 31st. This broke the balloon manned flight the longest time and the longest two world records.
Girls should make up, nails. However, the University of Washington researchers found that this beauty is a price, cosmetics, skin care products in some of the chemical composition will disrupt the natural secretion of human hormones, leading to menopause up to 4 years in advance.
US researchers warned that pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables will lead to reduced sperm count, quality is also poor.
Researchers record a surge in the need for genetic testing after Jolie disclosed in 2013 that she had carried a dangerous mutation in the BRCA1 gene and had undergone a preventative bilateral mastectomy.
Japan Meteorological Information Company “Weather News” show automatically observing pollen “pollen robot” (Pollen Robot) to the media. The observer is several thousand hospitals across Japan set up to deal with the upcoming pollen season.
The largest-ever autism genome research project funded by the Autism Speaks discovered the genetic basis of autism before more complex than believed, most autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) in patients with autistic siblings have different relevant gene.
Spain succeeded in a hospital with a healthy donor stem cells treatment of seven patients with heart disease, the Spanish official claim that this is a world first. Because in the past, the medical profession to treat only with the patient’s own stem cells.
Google is using synthetic skin and even skin detect a real high-tech – to proactively detect cancer cells in the human body strap.
Published online – a study “Nature Genetics” published on the main cause of cervical cancer – human papillomavirus (HPV) virus integration site map. Viral integration is viral DNA into the host DNA itself in the process, which is the HPV infection leads to one of the major risk factors for cervical cancer generated.
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