Japan Meteorological Information Company Launched The Pollen Robot

Japan Meteorological Information Company “Weather News” show automatically observing pollen “pollen robot” (Pollen Robot) to the media. The observer is several thousand hospitals across Japan set up to deal with the upcoming pollen season.

Pollen pollen in English meaning, observer shape imitate a human face, to be placed in the hands of a sphere shape. The instrument through the opening of the mouth inhalation of pollen and observation, the eye color of the reaction part in five the number of how much pollen. Allegedly observed sand and volcanic ash.

In addition, each observer data will be aggregated to the company via the Internet, the results can be smartphone applications free access.

Japan Meteorological Information Company Launched The Pollen Robot
Japan Meteorological Information Company Launched The Pollen Robot

According to Weather News Corp., it said in 2015 the number of pollen off the east Tokai region is very large, the number of pollen will likely Kanto 2014 2-3 times.

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