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Australia developed spacecraft

January 15, 2015 Isabella 0

Robert said that the aircraft would be coming from outer space play a decisive role in promoting research. He said: This aircraft is very rich, both for the military, can also be used to collect samples in space.

Psycho killer and leader: Similar personality different fate

Psycho killer and leader: Similar personality different fate

January 14, 2015 Kasy 0

Psychopaths can give us many valuable insights, they are certain qualities in the personality and intelligence are often winners essential quality. Psycho killer generally have the following characteristics: a sense of over-inflated self-worth, extraordinary persuasive, charming appearance, ruthless, never self-blame, and so good at manipulating others.

Harvard Study: longevity tips is eating grains

Harvard Study: longevity tips is eating grains

January 10, 2015 Kasy 0

According to Harvard University study showed that longevity is to eat a little of grains every day, of which the grains can reduce the risk of heart disease. Although it has been widely recognized that the benefits of whole grains on the body, but this is the first time to investigate the effects of long-term perspective of grain for human life. The researchers used 14 years time, follow-up investigation of the diet and health of 10 million people.