Harvard Study: longevity tips is eating grains

According to Harvard University study showed that longevity is to eat a little of grains every day, of which the grains can reduce the risk of heart disease. Although it has been widely recognized that the benefits of whole grains on the body, but this is the first time to investigate the effects of long-term perspective of grain for human life. The researchers used 14 years time, follow-up investigation of the diet and health of 10 million people.

Each volunteer participated in the study in 1984 are good physical condition unharmed, but in 2010 the feedback survey, more than 26,000 volunteers have passed away. However, regular consumption of whole grains volunteer cereal, brown rice, corn and quinoa, etc. seem to avoid all such diseases, especially heart disease. High fiber content of oats breakfast choice for many athletes and people to lose weight, which the crude fiber can provide more energy for them.

Scientists point out that eating one ounce daily (equivalent to 28g) of coarse grains – the equivalent of a small bowl of – helps reduce the risk of death by 5% and 9% risk of developing heart disease. “These findings further support the current advocate for increased grain intake of dietary guidelines.” Said Harvard School of Public Health Leader Dr. Wu Yuhong (transliteration). “This also proves beneficial whole grains and longevity.” The study also takes into account the different ages, Smoking, body mass index, and sports.

Harvard Study: longevity tips is eating grains
Harvard Study: longevity tips is eating grains

Grains stored grain bran and germ, retains 25% more protein than refined grains. The so-called fine grain, is that the production of white flour, pasta and rice cereal.

Earlier studies have shown that whole grains can increase bone density, lower blood pressure, intestinal microflora of healthy nutrition and reduce the risk of diabetes. Unique glucan oat been proven cholesterol-lowering effect, thus avoiding the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

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