Australia developed spacecraft

Australian man Robert Brand and his 12-year-old son Jason is about to be recorded in history, became a way to return to the Earth’s atmosphere and landed safely inventor of small spacecraft. Bland and his son developed this aircraft named “Lightning”, you can leave the Earth’s orbit, flying in the solar system, and return to the ground.

Robert said that the aircraft would be coming from outer space play a decisive role in promoting research. He said: “This aircraft is very rich, both for the military, can also be used to collect samples in space.”

Living in Sydney Bland said, “Lightning” project is supported by the Australian government agencies and universities. About five years later, the aircraft is expected to be put into use, but before investment funds need to go through a series of concept testing. Another special feature of the project is 12-year-old son, Jason Bland will participate in the first phase of the test aircraft.

Australia developed spacecraft
Australia developed spacecraft

The test will take place in April 2015, aims to the 2.5 m-long aircraft flight test transonic speeds. It is estimated that close to the speed of Mach 2 aircraft. Bland said his son, although only 12 years old this year, but in space technology, but not unfamiliar. Some people seem complicated thing for Jason is very simple. He will remote control the vehicle and let it break through the speed of sound.

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