Depression and Nutritional Therapy

3 Carbohydrates

Depression can lead to hypoglycemia, and changes with emotional fluctuations, blood glucose can vary from very high to very low. However, patients with depression should not eat too much sugar foods and beverages, because a large number of carbohydrate intake, so that sugar continue to enter the blood, the pancreas must secrete more insulin, and insulin secretion, excessive storage in vivo Sugar, not only can not increase vitality, but makes it easier to fatigue, depression and anxiety. Depression patients should avoid drinking coffee, the study found that a large number of mental patients who drink coffee are more likely to suffer from depression, however, whether coffee causes depression or depression. Patients want to improve their mood by drinking coffee is not clear, but coffee addicts must have depression A symptom Drinking mineral water is good for depressed patients.

Depression diet principles:

  • 1, High-protein high-fiber high fever mainly: long-term insomnia so that you consume a lot of energy, timely nutrition is conducive to the rehabilitation of the disease, it is recommended high protein, high fiber, high-energy diet, and pay attention to Runchang Food, to keep the stool unobstructed.
  • 2, Add enough water: to maintain the normal needs of organs, lubrication intestines, Lee two will facilitate the excretion of harmful substances in the body.
  • 3, Spicy salted smoked food Avoid excessive: eat too much Xin, spicy, salted, smoked and other irritating foods, due to the cause of insomnia caused by more, so patients should choose their own physical choice of food for their own. Depression diet menu

Depression affects 5 groups of people

  • 1, Middle-aged people have the highest proportion of depression because they have achieved certain social status and greater responsibilities. They are mainly concentrated in the age group of 35 to 50 years old.
  • 2, the most susceptible to depression in patients with long-term cancer patients. After suffering from cancer easily lead to eccentric personality, and then suffering from depression, and depression will reduce immunity, so that the condition worsened.
  • 3, teachers: Most of the people engaged in such occupations are more serious and responsible, but the teacher’s work is very trivial, if not properly adjusted, it is easy to depression.
  • 4, pregnant or first-time mothers of women: This is because many women have not yet made when the mother’s psychological preparation. Usually such symptoms of depression will not last long, because as long as the treatment so that they feel the joy of being a mother, it is easy to cure.
  • 5, Occurrence of extramarital affair: Because they are usually without telling their spouses and family members, psychologically easy to enter the tired period, but once found, family conflicts but can not handle, then it is difficult to support themselves.

In short, depression and nutrition do have a relationship between the two, depression in patients with antidepressant treatment, we must pay attention to nutritional supplements. Although drugs can affect the function and needs of nutrients, the intake of nutrients and the nutritional status of the body can significantly affect the metabolism and the effects of drugs. Often, the drugs are found in the diet, and the nutrients are sometimes used as drugs. Therefore, good nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of depression.

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