Japan found a leukemia virus infection mechanism

Japan found a leukemia virus infection mechanism

The University of Kyoto published a communiqué 5th that the researchers found a mechanism for the infection of the leukemia virus, which would help to develop therapeutic methods in the future.

Human T-lymphocyte leukemia virus Ⅰ type (HTLV-1) only infects mature T lymphocytes. The researchers found that the expression of two proteins in the infected cells decreased significantly, and the two proteins were able to play a role in inhibiting HTLV-1 replication.

The researchers believe that because the two proteins are highly expressed in the immature T lymphocytes of the thymus, the expression of the mature T lymphocytes in the distal end is very low, so that the HTLV-1 is the target of the infection.

Human T-lymphocyte leukemia virus (HTLV) has been proven to be associated with adult T-lymphocyte leukemia and multiple neurological disorders. It mainly through breast-feeding infants, with the growth of infants, will cause adult T-lymphocyte leukemia, mainly popular in Japan, Central Africa and South America.

The relevant papers have been published in the online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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