Cancer Wound Care

6. Assess the environment and care effectiveness of the patient:

(1) Environment – Hospital, Home;

(2) Caregivers – specialist nurses or relatives;

(3) Treatment status – with or without radiotherapy and chemotherapy;

(4) Potential factors – comfort and quality of life;

(5) Is the product of care enough?

7. Wound care management requirements: aesthetics, comfort, bleeding, infection, exudation and odor.

(1) Aesthetics:

Cancer is a terrible disease, especially when it comes to seeing fungal or ulcerated skin lesions that are more malignant. Aesthetics involves patient self-esteem and quality of life. Dressing options for patients comfort and beauty, frequent replacement of the dressing or can not effectively handle excessive exudate and odor will seriously reduce the patient’s quality of life.

Nursing methods: head and neck cancer wounds more difficult to handle, select the dressing to consider the comfort, paste, beauty and self-esteem needs; facial salivary secretion of wounds can often use the collection of stoma; pain sensitivity, allowing patients Choose to uncover the dressing (fast or slow), frequent dressing changes, the wound around the glue, dressing attached to the top, to protect the surrounding skin and reduce the dressing dressing pain.

(2) Comfortable care:

To find out whether it is uncomfortable or painful; whether the pain is caused by a tumor, dressing, dressing, dressing, or the pain scale.

Pain care: The cause of the pain must be clear, the degree of pain, report to the doctor, according to the doctor’s advice to give painkillers; tumor pain can be treated with the appropriate drugs; dressings cause pain as much as possible to reduce.

Comfortable care: Depending on the wound conditions, alginate, hydrocolloid, hydrogel and foam can be selected; the dressings change gently and the patient’s attention is distracted; the dressing and the wound are moistened and then removed to avoid pain and bleeding; the surrounding skin protection : Protective film (choice of skin when intact and at the time of injury) Hydrogel on burning sensation of the skin; iodine and carbon-containing dressings for odor; and pain relievers when necessary.

(3) Bleeding:

Bleeding from a malignant tumor that violates the arteries or ruptured large veins may threaten life. It is important to protect vulnerable blood vessels around vulnerable tissues. The scabs of cancerous wounds physical or chemical debridement have been challenged by the callus to protect the fabric under the callus, if removed, increasing the risk of bleeding.

Care methods: If there is bleeding, it is necessary to assess the source of bleeding, the amount of bleeding, and possible results; wound dressings choose not to stick the protective dressings, but also pay attention to the entire area of wound protection, dressings and bandages fixed, to avoid friction vulnerable areas of the organization, wear loose cotton underwear; A small amount of bleeding can take pressure hemostasis and local hemostasis measures; large bleeding wounds please surgeon to identify the cause, and according to the instructions of the local or systemic use of hemostatic drugs; hemostatic dressings are: Calcium alginate, hemostatic sponge, silver nitrate rods, calcium alginate and osmotic fluid and blood interaction, calcium ions involved in the coagulation process and hemostatic effect, The formation of gel has protective effects on the wound; for patients at risk of bleeding, it is recommended that a dark towel be provided, covering the wound dressing outside to absorb the bleeding if necessary.

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