Diabetes – Foot Skin Care

Foot skin care and maintenance is an important part of the prevention of diabetic foot. On the basis of strictly controlling blood sugar and correcting bad metabolic state, pay attention to foot health and avoid foot trauma can effectively prevent the occurrence and development of diabetic foot.

Diabetes - Foot Skin Care

(1) Skin care:

  1. Wash your feet with warm water (not more than 35 ℃) and neutral soap nightly, and gently wipe dry with a soft, absorbent towel, especially in the toe suture to avoid scratching the skin to prevent minor skin damage .
  2. After drying, apply lubricant (lubricating milk or nourishing cream) and fully rub to maintain the softness of the skin, remove scales and prevent dryness, and do not rub between the toes. If the skin has tenderness, weekly rub with 75% alcohol 1 time.
  3. Foot massage from the toe to start, gradually upward, this is conducive to blood circulation.
  4. If the nails are crisp, use borax every night (1 tablespoon for every liter of water, about 15g). Soak it in warm water for 30 minutes to soften the toenails. Then massage the toes around with a soft cloth to keep the nails clean and dry.
  5. Learn to properly cut the nail, do not cut the nail too short, cut along the nail must be cut along the horizontal, you can use a small file nail file nails nail edge filing sleek.
  6. Winter to keep your feet warm, you can wear loose cotton socks, do not use electric heaters or hot water bottle drying feet, so as not to burn the skin. And avoid wearing fit shoes and socks barefoot walking.
  7. Some topical drugs irritating too strong, must be approved by the doctor before foot coating.

(2) Skin abrasion care:

  1. Timely check and find the foot as soon as possible blisters, rips and abrasions. Because foot ulcer infection and gangrene are caused by minor trauma, once found, should immediately go to the hospital.
  2. Keep the foot skin completely clean. Scratch the epidermis, do not use fingernails to tear, but should immediately use soap, alcohol and other disinfection and cleaning, and then bandaged sterile bandages, without applying ointment. If the use of insoles, moderate size insoles should be selected to avoid skin abrasion and injury. If any of the following situations, should immediately consult a doctor: congestion, swelling, redness, fever and so on.
  3. Disable irritating disinfectant such as iodine, etc., if necessary, use gentian violet paint.
  4. Prevention of foot mold infections. After each wash your feet or bath, push the prickly heat powder between your toes to keep it partially dry. If you are suffering from tinea pedis, available clotrimazole ointment, secondary infection of tinea pedis patients should use 1: 8000 potassium permanganate solution feet, 1 to 2 times / d, dry topical anti-inflammatory ointment and gauze wrapped, When necessary, oral antibiotics.

(3) Pick a pair of suitable shoes:

  1. When you buy shoes, first draw the size of the paper, and cut the shoe so as to select shoes as the standard. Because diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy and dull, can not just choose the feeling of shoes.
  2. Select the cloth shoes as well, because cloth shoes air circulation performance is good, can reduce the foot sweat, causing the foot skin allergy or infection risk also decreased accordingly.
  3. Avoid wearing high heels should wear flat shoes, high heels can be applied to the toe extra pressure, which will affect the blood circulation, and even crush injury or blisters.
  4. Do not be too crowded toe, to reserve a certain width and length, to avoid squeezing and affect the peripheral circulation.
  5. The purchase of new shoes, the first few days on the easy to rub the site, place a little cotton, the first wear should try for half an hour to see if there is any part of the skin has been rubbed, etc., if there is no problem, but Gradually increase the wear time.
  6. Often check the inside of shoes, pay attention to whether there are rough edges, cracks or gravel, should be immediately repaired and cleared.

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