Daily dietary therapy for digestive system duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer

Gastrointestinal ulcers and duodenal ulcers in the digestive system are frequently-occurring and chronic diseases, and are prone to recurrent attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to have a difficult and long-lasting course to truly cure digestive system ulcer diseases. The incidence of ulcer disease, the severity of symptoms, and ulcer disease Healing is closely related to three meals a day. Therefore, in addition to the active treatment of patients and timely medication, the dietary treatment is one of the indispensable and important measures in comprehensive treatment.

Daily dietary therapy for digestive system duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer

Although the sites and symptoms of digestive system ulcers are not the same, the principles of diet therapy are the same, namely, by limiting mechanical, chemical and warm stimulation in the diet to reduce autonomic instability, and at the same time, through reasonable nutrition regulation. With dietary cooking, neutralizing and inhibiting the secretion of gastric juice to reduce the burden on the stomach and the stomach, protect the function of the stomach and duodenum so as to achieve the purpose of promoting ulcer healing and preventing the occurrence of recurrence and complications.

So, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in digestive system ulcers are what patients should pay attention to in the diet process?

1. Formulate a reasonable diet system and develop good eating habits

Eat less, do not read newspapers and television;

Regular quantitative, small meals: regular meals, to avoid hunger and fullness, each meal should have a basic amount of food. Eating too much will make the gastric antrum expand too much, increase the secretion of gastrin, and increase gastric acid; eat too little, food can not fully neutralize stomach acid, ulcers can be caused by stomach acid pain and pain, and difficult to heal. In the acute phase of attack, it is advisable to have small meals and eat once every 2 hours during the day in order to reduce the extent of changes in gastric juice acidity. After the symptoms are under control, you should resume normal three meals a day. At the same time, you should avoid eating snacks or supper and do not lie down to rest after meals.

2. Promote lingering and keeping your mind relaxed, spirits fast, and avoid overeating

Because chewing can increase the secretion of saliva, saliva can not only neutralize gastric acid and protect the gastric mucosa, but also contains epidermal growth factor that can inhibit gastric acid secretion and promote gastric mucosal regeneration;

Pay attention to eating emotions, avoid mental stress and emotional depression, otherwise it will cause gastric dysfunction, is not conducive to ulcer healing; because overeating will disrupt the rhythm of gastric acid secretion.

The acetaldehyde produced by alcohol in the body has a direct damaging effect on the gastric mucosa, and long-term alcohol abuse can weaken the barrier function of the gastric mucosa.

3. Pay attention to the laws of life and pay attention to climate change

Daily life of patients with gastric ulcer must have certain rules, not too much fatigue, overwork will not only affect the digestion of food, but also hinder the healing of ulcers.

There is a certain relationship between the onset of ulcers and climate change. Therefore, patients with ulcers must pay attention to climate change.

4. Strengthen nutrition

Foods that are digestible, contain enough calories, rich in protein and vitamins should be used. Adequate nutrition can improve the general condition and promote ulcer healing.

  1. Ensure the supply of protein. Adequate protein is one of the important factors for ulcer healing. Every kilogram of body weight per day should not be less than 1 gram. Easy to digest protein foods such as eggs, soy products, chicken, fish, and lean meat should be used. Beans also contain a lot of good protein, but beans are not digestible and must be boiled before consumption. Peas are light and soft, and can also be used to invigorate the stomach. Patients with bleeding ulcers should increase their protein supply during the remission period and should supply 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.
  2. Supply the right amount of fat. Fat does not need to be strictly limited. Recent physiology studies have confirmed that fats have the strongest ability to inhibit stomach acid among the three major nutrients of sugar, protein and fat. When you eat a high-fat diet, you will often prolong the time of hunger. The reason is that when fat foods enter the small intestine, they can stimulate intestinal gut hormones, reach the stomach through blood circulation, and inhibit the release of various enzymes. Slowly digests food, thus reducing the damage of stomach ulcers. From this point, patients with ulcers can eat some fat properly. But too high can promote increased secretion of cholecystokinin, inhibit gastrointestinal motility, because high-fat diet will inhibit gastric emptying, make food stay in the stomach for too long, promote excessive gastric acid secretion; fat can also increase bile reflux , aggravate the irritation of the ulcer. It is advisable for patients with ulcers to supply 50-60 grams of fat per day. Cheese-type fats such as butter, egg yolk, and cheese, as well as appropriate amounts of vegetable oil, should be selected for easy digestion and absorption.
  3. Carbohydrates should be sufficient. Carbohydrates neither inhibit the secretion of gastric acid nor stimulate the secretion of gastric acid, and can ensure sufficient supply of calories. Can supply 300-350 grams a day, choose easy as thick porridge, noodles, wontons and other digestive foods. Sucrose should not be too much, because it can increase gastric acid secretion, and easy to flatulence, increase abdominal distension. However, patients with high blood sugar do not recommend eating high-carbohydrate foods.
  4. Vitamins are indispensable To eat more foods rich in vitamins such as fruits and vegetables. B group and vitamin C have the effect of promoting ulcer healing. The United States conducted a six-year investigation and research showed that increasing dietary carotene may have the effect of preventing duodenal ulcers. Those who consumed more fruits and vegetables daily had a 33% lower risk of developing ulcers than those who consumed less. The researchers pointed out that the formation of ulcers is not only related to Helicobacter pylori infection, but also related to environmental factors in the intestine. It is recommended to eat fruit regularly. And vegetables can prevent ulcer disease.

5. In the acute active period of ulcer disease diet temperature should be appropriate, not too hot and cold.

Overheated food stimulates ulcers, causing pain, and even causing blood vessels in the ulcers to dilate and causing bleeding; overcooled foods are not digestible and can worsen the condition. The food temperature is 45 °C.

6. Adjust food types and tastes

Try to choose high nutritional value, soft, easy to digest foods such as: eggs, fine white flour, soy milk, fish, lean meat and so on. Use less fiber-containing fruits, vegetables, such as tender cucumber, tender eggplant, tender cabbage leaves, tomatoes (peeled, seeds), wax gourds, carrots, and ripe apples, peach pears and so on.

Quit irritating food: coffee, wine, gravy, pepper, mustard, pepper, etc.;

Abstain from acidic foods: fruits with higher acidity, such as: pineapple, orange, orange, etc.;

Abstaining gas-producing foods: such as beer, sprite, cola and other carbonated drinks and potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, raw garlic, raw radish, garlic, etc.;

Limiting multi-residue foods Eating fried foods, fried foods, and celery, leeks, bean sprouts, ham, bacon, dried fish, and various kinds of coarse grains containing more crude fiber should be avoided.

Fried rice, grilled meat and other too hard foods, rice cakes, rice dumplings and other rice products, all kinds of desserts, cakes, fried foods and ice foods, often lead to patient discomfort, should pay attention to choice.

The nutrition community has been arguing for many years about whether milk can be taken. Milk is delicious and nutritious and was once considered an ideal beverage for patients with stomach and duodenal ulcers. However, recent studies have found that patients with ulcers drink milk can make the condition worse. This is because when milk has just entered the stomach, it can dilute the concentration of stomach acid, ease the stomach acid and duodenal ulcer stimulation, and can make temporary relief of upper abdominal discomfort. However, after a moment, due to the large amount of calcium ions contained in milk, it is easy to stimulate gastric antral G cells to secrete gastrin, produce more gastric acid, and further aggravate the condition. Therefore, patients with ulcer disease should not drink too much milk and dairy products.

7. Appropriate control of some spices, the food should not be too acidic, too sweet or too salty, to light and refreshing.

The use of salt: Sodium metabolism in patients with ulcer disease decreased, resulting in sodium retention in the body, excess sodium can increase the secretion of gastric juice, so the daily salt intake per person is appropriate to 3 ~ 5g.

Spicy and intense seasonings should be limited because these seasonings such as pepper, mustard, curry powder, broth, strong tea, coffee, chocolate, cola drinks, and alcohol are all strong stimulants of gastric acid secretion.

Do not eat large amounts of sugar.

8. Avoid taking drugs that are irritating to the gastrointestinal tract

Avoid drugs that are irritating to the gastrointestinal tract, such as aspirin, phenylbutazone, ibuprofen, indomethacin, and prednisone;

9. Suggest smoking cessation

Nicotine is contained in the smoke, nicotine can stimulate the gastric mucosa, causing submucosal vasoconstriction and spasm, leading to gastric ischemia, hypoxia, and thus play a role in the destruction of gastric mucosa.

Nicotine also causes relaxation of the pyloric sphincter and dysfunction of the gastric motility, causing bile and duodenal fluid to flow back into the stomach. Since bile acid in the bile has a great detrimental effect on the gastric mucosa, erosive gastritis, atrophic gastritis, and ulcer disease can easily occur.

Smoking increases gastric peristalsis, promotes gastric acid secretion, increases gastric acid levels, and may also cause damage to the gastric mucosa, impaired gastric mucosal barrier function, and gastritis and ulcers.

Smoking also affects the synthesis of prostaglandins in the gastric mucosa. Prostaglandins can make gastric mucosal microcirculatory blood vessels expand, improve the blood circulation of the stomach, and play an important role in protecting the integrity of the gastric mucosa. Once the prostaglandin synthesis is reduced, the protective factors of the gastric mucosa will also decrease, which will make it more difficult to repair the gastric mucosa.

Statistics show that 20%-30% of people who smoke 10 cigarettes a day can have gastritis, and 40% of people who smoke 20 cigarettes a day can have gastritis. According to a survey conducted by domestic smokers, the incidence of gastric cancer in smokers was 19.3%, and in non-smokers it was 4.3%. The increase was significant.

10. Supply moderate amounts of dietary fiber.

Patients with ulcers in the diet to reduce dietary fiber, easy to produce constipation, it can often eat bananas, honey, fruit juice, vegetable juice, ocean jelly, etc., in order to play the role of intestines.

11. Suggested food

This site is recommended to eat Taizhou ® protein powder, which is based on soy protein isolate as the main raw material, supplemented by natural ingredients eggs, millet, barley, rice, etc., contains high protein, high dietary fiber, good absorption, promote intestinal function, It does not contain lactose, sucrose, glucose and chemical preservatives. It is suitable for all groups of people (including diabetics, three-high populations, ulcer patients, etc.) to enhance immunity, prevent and control constipation, relieve aging, promote the repair of human tissues, and enhance satiety. meal.

In general, for the acute onset of ulcers or bleeding just stopped, it is recommended to enter the liquid diet, 6 to 7 meals a day; for the absence of gastrointestinal bleeding, less pain, relieve symptoms, appetite is acceptable, can be thick liquid Or semi-liquid, soft and easily digestible, slag, 6 meals a day, each meal staple food 50g. This period focuses on very soft and easily digestible foods, and pay attention to properly increase nutrition so as to avoid malnutrition, affect the healing of ulcers, fasting, chopped vegetables, and more foods containing slag; for stable disease, the symptoms are obviously relieved or almost disappeared. The main diet is still soft and easily digestible semi-liquid, with 6 meals per day, and no more than 100g per meal. Avoid over-saturation, prevent abdominal distension, still fasting vegetables containing more crude fiber, avoid salty, etc.; for patients with stable disease, ulcer healing and gradual recovery, choose soft and easily digestible food, the main food is not limited, except 3 In addition to meal staples, an additional 2 meals of snacks are added. At this time, it is still not appropriate to eat fried oil and contain more crude fiber and more food.

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