Care methods for stroke paralyzed elderly

Stroke is a common disease in the elderly. Stroke has very serious sequelae such as paralysis. According to clinical practice, paralysis caused by stroke is mostly hemiparesis, or single limb paralysis, and two episodes of paralysis involving the bilateral limbs, patients often accompanied by language problems, often due to bulbar palsy, cough, or to some extent Intelligence decline.

Care methods for stroke paralyzed elderly
Care methods for stroke paralyzed elderly

First, The nursing method:

1 Psychological care

Emphasis on the patient’s ideological work. Paralysis patients to bring a heavy mental burden, family members should encourage optimistic and open-minded patients, establish the confidence to overcome the disease, so that it can cooperate with health care workers and family members, as soon as possible paralyzed limb function exercise to prevent joint deformity and muscle atrophy occurred .

2 Keep limb functional position

Paralyzed limbs should be stretched out of the joints of the fingers, slightly flexed, can put a sponge in the hands of patients; elbow flexion; upper extremity shoulder a little abduction to avoid joint adduction; hip extension, knee extension; to prevent foot sagging, Should make the ankle slightly dorsiflexion; in order to prevent external rotation of the lower extremities, sandbags or other support should be placed outside.

3 Strengthen paralyzed limb activities

Including body massage, passive activities and sitting, standing, walking exercise, etc., to prevent limb contracture, deformity.

4 Prevent complications

  • 4.1 Prevent bedsores
    Due to paralysis of limb movement and sensory disturbances, local vascular neurotrophic poor, if the oppression for a long time, prone to bedsores. It should be noted that changes body position, usually every 2 hours turned 1 times the body, the red pressure is gently massage the site to improve the local blood circulation. Bed should be dry and flat, it is best to use bedsores to prevent bedsore.
  • 4.2 Prevent hypostatic pneumonia
    In the turn should be properly tapping the back, encourage sputum to prevent hypostatic pneumonia.
  • 4.3 Maintain good personal hygiene
    Bath can be sponge, but should be kept warm to prevent the cold. Apply hot water or bath temperature should be appropriate to prevent skin burns.
  • 4.4 Increase nutrient intake
    To have adequate diet, especially in the summer should be adequate moisture to ensure adequate nutrition. Choose foods rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, this site is recommended to use the Natural Health And Full Nutrition Protein Powder Soy Protein Isolates Egg Millet Coixseed Glutinous Rice for Weight Loss Gym Vegan and Wounds Healing.
  • 4.5 Prevent constipation
    Develop bowel habits to prevent constipation. Before breakfast to the hot drink (according to the habit can be hot water, tea, milk or coffee, etc.), can promote increased bowel movements to stimulate the rectum bowel reflex. In order to promote defecation, but also massage the abdomen, from the right lower abdomen to the right, turn to the left upper quadrant, and then turn to the left lower quadrant, repeated massage 5 to 10 times to promote the contents of the upper colon down peristalsis to help defecation. In case of constipation, available glycerin suppository or Chinese medicine, still can not defecate, should be enema. Urine retention or urinary incontinence should be placed catheter, to be strictly enforced sterile operation to prevent urinary tract infections.

5 Self-care ability and professional ability of training

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