Location Congo a protected area designated on the map wrong, resulting in actual wildlife protected areas and the lack of legal protection is further endangered. How ironic look at this: Because the true location of protected areas where people had thought and not the same as to the protected area, named a newly discovered plants are threatened with extinction.
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), said this new plant Dorstenia luamensis discovered in 2012, and in the name of the protected area named Luama Katanga, in October this year, “PhotoKeys” magazine described them. The sanctuary known, adjacent to the world’s second deepest lake –Lake Tanganyika. It was founded in 1947, 13 years later, now the Democratic Republic of Congo gained independence from Belgium rule in the 1990s and early this century, the region has been plagued by civil war much. Unfortunately, the civil war of the protected areas have had a profound impact: at some point in that conflict, officials of the location Lu Luama Katanga protected areas zoned wrong to classify it in a 50 km away from the actual location place.
This whole thing is the most unusual part is that a year ago, the Wildlife Conservation Society has found an error on the map, and to lobby the Democratic Republic of the Congo to restore the official boundaries of the protected area in front of a public statement. Andy Plumptre Albertine Rift Wildlife Conservation Society project director said, because there is no measures were taken, they have now made public this week will be the IUCN World Parks Congress, designed to give the Democratic Republic of the Congo pressure.
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