Treatment of functional constipation in children

Probiotic treatment of functional constipation may be beneficial, but lacks high quality evidence-based evidence. Drug treatment, such as 2 consecutive months effective, can consider reduction, can not be suddenly disabled. Reduction can be maintained for up to several months to observe the changes in stool softness and defecation, until the establishment of good bowel habits.

Surgical treatment for refractory constipation, such as drug therapy ineffective, long-term constipation or need to manipulate laxative, can take antegrade colon enema (cecal stoma) or sigmoidectomy.

The treatment of constipation is long-term, often easy to repeat, parents may seek a number of hospital treatment, so follow-up is particularly important. Should pay attention to family education and health education, to guide a reasonable diet and lifestyle, attention to the application of non-drug therapy. Concerned about the symptoms of constipation and signs of warning, timely correction of diagnosis. In addition to strengthen the multi-disciplinary joint, improve the functional diagnosis of children with constipation and treatment.

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