The study found uniquely human sulci help clarify the evolutionary line

STAP human brain called sulci are unique to humans, because in the brains of other primates do not have this structure. This research will help to clarify the structure of human evolution clues to better understand the difference between the human brain and other primates brain.

Related papers published in the United States, “National Academy of Sciences”, the article describes how they are people of all ages, brain scans and found differences in comparison with other primates. The researchers believe that the discovery will help better understand human evolution.

Medical scientists and doctors have known for some time STAP, but has no one knows how it unique. This structure sulci average 4.5 cm long, deep in the right hemisphere is greater than the depth of the left hemisphere. Does anyone know why there is such a groove exists, but according to its position in, the researchers concluded that they may be related to brain communication.

The study found uniquely human sulci help clarify the evolutionary line
The study found uniquely human sulci help clarify the evolutionary line

To learn more about the STAP, 177 researchers and 73 human volunteers scanned the brains of chimpanzees, analysis showed that the groove is present in all human brains were, but in the chimpanzee brain, but can not find any trail.

The research team noted that in the right hemisphere, facial recognition and motivation groove involving judgment and perception of others. The left hemisphere, the groove is clearly associated with language skills. While the human brain is about three times the capacity of the chimpanzee brain, but the functional differences between the two has been very difficult to find on from the structure. Is best known for a difference in the structure is Broca’s area, also known as Broca’s center, the region is the movement of speech center (center speaker). Chimpanzee brain in the region is relatively much smaller, which could explain why it is better to complex human language ability.

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