Shizuoka University in Japan to clarify the unique mechanism of fertilization of birds

Shizuoka University in Japan to clarify the unique mechanism of fertilization of birds
Shizuoka University in Japan to clarify the unique mechanism of fertilization of birds

Researchers at Shizuoka University in Japan report in the latest issue of the British Science Report that they have identified the unique mechanism of fertilization in birds, and this finding is expected to be used to artificially reproduce endangered birds.

When the birds mate, the male sperm (sperm and seminal plasma) into the female body, but the sperm will not immediately swim to the egg, but into the fallopian tube called seminal vesicle special structure, temporarily stored here before fertilization . Since then, the sperm from the seminal vesicles gradually released to achieve fertilization.

However, the mechanisms by which spermatozoa enter the seminal vesicle remain unclear. Shizuoka University, Waseda University and other institutions of the researchers found that quail seminal plasma contains prostaglandin F2α, with open spermatophore entrance, to help sperm into the seminal vesicle role.

The study found that if the removal of seminal plasma leaving only sperm for artificial insemination, even if the sperm into the female quail reproductive tract, sperm can not enter the seminal vesicle, almost can not fertilization. However, if the female quail reproductive tract in advance into the prostaglandin F2α, removal of seminal plasma only sperm can also enter the seminal vesicle and fertilization.

The team notes that, unlike mammals, AI is still in development and that cryopreservation can be enhanced by the addition of prostaglandin F2α during artificial insemination, since the fertilization capacity of cryopreserved spermatozoa will decline significantly Sperm fertilization rate, help to artificially breeding endangered birds.

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