Resveratrol in red wine has health benefits

Stress response

The researchers found that after a let Res play its health utility partners, began to study their reaction is how to affect the number of other molecules help cells respond to different pressures. Three of the stress molecules p53, AMPK and SIRT6.

Scientists do experiments on mice proved, Res will increase the number of cells in the molecule p53, AMPK and SIRT6’s. Which, p53 was blocked tumor growth outside deemed the most effective substances, which is why red wine can prevent cancer. SIRT6 can reduce the body’s glucose concentrations in patients with diabetes, and the grape itself has many Res, which also explains why patients with diabetes for more than grapes. Increase of AMPK make cells more effectively respond to external stimuli, so that the cells are more viable.

This was published in “Nature” magazine’s research for red wine Res clarified its own health benefits. Provided that allow Res becomes advantageous substance for human tyrosyl -tRNA synthetase can also be used for drug therapy and Res together, and these studies are still required by the most important human clinical testing.

In fact, Res in eucalyptus, Lily, peanuts, mulberries and grapes are a lot of discovery. So the wine to the nutritional supplements from a lot of other ways to enjoy wine outside in addition to, but those who do not drink red wine is so elegant way Bale.

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