Scientists say they have developed a kind of antibiotic by a revolutionary method may be solved decades increasingly serious problem of drug resistance.
The research team published in the scientific journal Nature reported that through experiments with rats, the drug is expected to open a new page in bacterial diseases war, but licensed for human use may have to wait another 5-6 years.
The new tools of new antibiotics called teixobactin, through a screening soil bacteria can get in, natural antibiotic compounds can release bacteria.

In a petri dish experiment, teixobactin successful eradication of TB and drug-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus, which is caused by two bacteria skin, blood root causes and lung infections. Meanwhile, teixobactin also eliminated Bacillus anthracis and Clostridium, these two bacteria is one of the causes of diarrhea.
Private Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts in Kim Lewis said that if all goes well, teixobactin “2 years after the start of clinical trials.” Lewis also funded the study drug dealers Novobiotic as a consultant.
Lewis and University of researchers Bonn) and Selcia Limited’s work together to perform the study.
Lewis hopes that the situation occurred for teixobactin resistance, “30 years later will happen.”
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