Psycho killer and leader: Similar personality different fate

To make this process more exciting, but also in order to allow the viewer’s interest to play down there, we sent a handkerchief possession of “suspects” 100 pounds. The outcome by voting observer, who is the largest number of votes they consider to be “suspect.” If the real “suspects” to be recognized, and that he will refund £ 100; if the observer guessed wrong, let suspects under false pretenses, and that the latter respect is rewarded, and 100 pounds in his possession.

What students will become better, “Customs inspector”? Psychopath’s “predatory instinct” that can work? Their sense of smell is whether the flaws will fail it?

Psychopath index higher for students, more than 70% positive confirmation that the possession of a handkerchief guy, but at a lower index psychopathic students, the proportion was only 30%. Good to see weakness may be one of the essential characteristics of a serial killer, but it will also find use in the airport customs.

Ethical issues

Harvard University psychologist Joshua Greene once observed about a psychopath is how to resolve ethical dilemmas challenges. In 2001 I wrote a book Split-Second Persuasion was mentioned some interesting results Joshua Greene stumbled. For instance, compassion is not a simple concept, but has a dual character, there are two distinct “version”: a rational version, an inductive version.

The late philosopher Philippa Foot first proposed the following ethical dilemmas (Case I):

A train speeding along the track. It will go through the route, there are five people trapped on the tracks can not escape. Fortunately, you can flip the track, so the train pulled into another branch, thus avoiding these five individuals. Doing so, however you want to pay the price are: another person trapped on this branch, he would killed. Then you should not have pulled the turnout it?

In such a case, most people do not charge anything to be able to decide how to do it. Although the results can not be considered to bring good flip tracks, but the pragmatic choice but to sacrifice a person preservation of five individuals, can be considered under the sign of Shangshang, right?

Now let’s look at this a little makeover of moral dilemmas (Case II), which is proposed by the philosopher Judith Jarvis Thomson:

The same is a runaway train hurtling along the track, the same five people trapped on the rail hanging by a thread. But this time, you are in orbit above the pedestrian bridge, there was a body in front of burly stranger. The only way to save the five people that are going to push the stranger. He fell back to certain death, but his huge body can block the train, so that those five people escaped. You should push him forever?

Now you might say, we get a “real” dilemma problem. Although this example is a case of life and death and account figure is identical (both sacrifice one to save five Mania Mania), but this time we are more cautious choice nervous. Why not?

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