Through in-depth research at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pennsylvania, scientists have found that parents’ suicidal intent will have a direct impact on their children’s suicidal behavior. Even this history of suicidal behavior can also cause a family hereditary mood disorder to its offspring.

“In this high-risk longitudinal study, we found that parents’ suicidal intentions would lead their children,” said Dr. David A. Brent, Ph.D., of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pennsylvania. Of suicidal tendencies have risen fivefold, and even cause familial hereditary mood disorders. “The study was published in the December 30, 2014 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Psychiatric Journal.
Familial inheritance
Suicide intention is a strong predictor of suicidal behavior prediction, and suicide is also one of the leading causes of death. Investigators noted that suicidal intentions are highly family-oriented, but their family-specific communication mechanisms are not clear. “The predictive models built by these predictive mechanisms will better help us define potential targets,” said Dr. Brent’s team.
In order to confirm the “suicidal behavior by their parents to children,” the mechanism and pathways, the researchers of patients with mood disorders and their children for a period of nearly 6 years of follow-up study. The prospective study began in July 1997 and ended in June 2012. Including 701 children aged 10 to 50 years (mean age 17.7 years) and 334 parents with mood disorders, 191 (57.2%) of these parents had attempted suicidal intentions. For their offspring, the average follow-up period of 5.6 years, the parents also conducted a prospective follow-up survey.
Parents and their children received different double-blind interview assessments. The baseline assessment included the number of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, the number of aggressive impulses, and the history of mental illness. Each subsequent year’s annual interview will cover the areas covered in the previous assessment. These interview records and self-reported questionnaires are indicative of a number of high suicide risk factors, including: past suicidal behavior and suicidal intent; mood disorders, anxiety, impulsivity, and aggressive behavior; personality disorders; And history of head trauma; and history of drug abuse.
Clinical significance
During follow-up of these 701 children, 44 (6.3% of the total) had at least one attempted suicide before participating in the study. During the study follow-up period, 29 (4.1% of the total) %) Intended to commit suicide.
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