How do venous valves work?

Superficial venous valve insufficiency

Valvular dysfunction occurs in the superficial veins of the lower extremities and can lead to varicose veins that often occur first in the hidden-femoral venous valve (in the inguinal region), because the valve is the highest in position, superficial to the anatomy, and lacks muscle protection and therefore most likely to be involved Saphenous varicose veins and a small part of the valve failure occurred in the hidden. venous junction (popliteal fossa), causing small saphenous varicocele Ultrasound localization is easy to understand the location of the lesion (However, many ultrasound reports did not mention the junction of the hidden veins, the doctor easily misdiagnosed).

Long-term varicose veins can lead to skin pigmentation, ulcer formation and other calf skin nutrition changes, ultrasound found that such cases often have multiple segments at the same time varying degrees of valvular dysfunction, including traffic veins.

Deep vein valve insufficiency

Deep vein valve insufficiency including primary, secondary. Its pathogenesis is complex and is not discussed in detail in this article.

It is worth mentioning that the early deep venous valve insufficiency, can be for the treatment of the superficial vein (great hidden, small saphenous vein surgery or endoscopic traffic disconnection), but still some patients will stubborn Ulcer

In the absence of deep vein occlusion (iliac vein stenosis or occlusion and thrombus), deep venous valvuloplasty may be considered if there are indeed deep venous valvular lesions that are expected to be repaired. Such surgery is costly, with many complications, the effect can not be guaranteed, has not been widely accepted and recognized in the world, hoping that with the development of medicine, there will be more effective and fewer complications of treatment.

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