Healthy living can help women prevent heart disease

A tracking nearly 70,000 women over 20 years of the new study concluded that: If women strictly follow the six kinds of healthy lifestyle practices, then young women, three-quarters of a heart attack can be prevented.

The study, published in the “American Journal of Cardiology Society” research today Nurses identified in the 1989 study participants were tracked; The study included more than 116,000 participants, and of every two years for them diet and other health habits survey. From Indiana University, and the Harvard School of Public Health researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital for 69,247 participants the data were analyzed, the participants meet the requirements of the study.

Healthy living can help women prevent heart disease
Healthy living can help women prevent heart disease

Andrea K. Chomistek, ScD, principal author of Indiana University Bloomington School of Public Health and a researcher of this article; she said: “Although heart disease mortality in the United States in the past 40 years has shown a steady decline in the state, but not in 35-44 year-old women reflect this characteristic. “” This difference may be unhealthy lifestyle or to explain our study wanted to find out what proportion of heart disease cases can be attributed to unhealthy habits. ”

Healthy habits are defined as not smoking, have a normal body mass index, at least 2.5 hours a week of exercise time, a week watching TV time is 7 or less than 7 hours, average daily alcohol consumption up to a cup and eating living in the top 40% of the meal in the diet quality test, and this meal quality standards are based on healthy eating template Harvard School of Public Health.

In the 20 years of follow-up, there are 456 women experienced a heart attack, there are 31,691 women were diagnosed having one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including type II diabetes, hypertension, or high blood cholesterol concentrations. The average age of the women participating in the study began was 37.1 years; mean age at diagnosis of heart disease obtained was 50.3 years, while the average age of diagnosis of certain cardiac risk factors was 46.8 years.

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