Global energy issues

The thinking detained in several technically wrong, if the goal of energy policy is to make energy system away from fossil fuels and mitigate climate change threatens to cause, in fact, it is only necessary to achieve the two requirements. First, it should be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, preventing the temperature rise and stabilize below a certain threshold. Second, it should be practical and effective enough to get immediate results. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), head of Nuclear Science and Engineering College of Richard Lester held in Chicago last February AAAS (AAAS) meeting, said: A very basic common sense is when you have a difficult task When, for example, to mitigate global climate change, there are more alternative methods, the greater your chances of success. Moreover, if a method is rejected, it will increase the probability of failure, because there will not be two similar low-carbon options for you to choose from. Solar, wind, geothermal, and nuclear energy, the energy of each has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is because of the huge differences between them energy system, making this diversity has become a favorable asset. This diversity has a very high value, because in the energy sector, and everywhere is full of surprises. Thus, despite the idea of ​​a separate program (such as wind or solar energy) can solve the problem is very interesting academic exercise, but there is no significant risk facing the major strategic decisions will choose this desperate approach – put your eggs in one basket.

When the means to discuss how to mitigate climate change and energy policy can be, and we are constantly repeating a technical debate the merits with respect to another, rather than tightly gripped this cliche precisely is very important. When we are hypothetical and several distant future vision bickered when carbon emissions continues, global climate continues to worsen still go on the road.

To achieve the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) climate stabilization targets given beyond the United States will have more than a few times between 1990-2012 the rate of reduction in carbon emissions.

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