New Research A new type of nerve implants with dural soft and elastic mechanical properties can be integrated seamlessly with the central nervous system of the rat; the dura mater is a protective membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord. The implanted material, known as e-dura, restores the motor capacity of paralyzed rats with less adverse side effects than traditional therapies, and it may have more in the neural prosthesis, the researchers say. Applications.
Ivan Minev and colleagues used a transparent silica substrate as a starting point and followed by soft lithography to characterize the microfluidic channels, which can be used for drug delivery as well as soft electrodes for sending electrical pulses and electrophysiological signals, With things.
The researchers implanted the e-dura into the spinal cord of healthy rats and found that it can eliminate spinal cord deformation caused by harder traditional implants. They say that elastic e-dura can stimulate and record nerve tissue at the same time, and can deliver drugs directly to the target site. Based on their findings in rats, the researchers suggest that e-dura can be mechanically present in patients for nearly 10 years.
In experiments with paralyzed rats, Minev and other researchers found that e-dura customized for the brain and spinal cord can produce reliable therapeutic effects throughout their recovery and allow the rats to walk again. The study was published in the journal Science.
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